PILNA AKCJA! Iran: Kara śmierci za "wrogość wobec Boga"

Napisz e-mail do Przywódcy Islamskiej Republiki Iranu Ayatollaha Sayeda Aliego Khamenei:
[email protected] Przykładowa treść:
Your Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei,
I urge the Iranian authorities to immediately halt any plans to execute Ali Chebieshat and Sayed Khaled Mousawi, ensure their death sentences are overturned and they receive a fair trial without recourse to the death penalty. I urge to disclose the men’s whereabouts immediately, and ensure that they are protected from torture and other ill-treatment and are allowed regular contact with their lawyers and families. I would like to remind that under international law, the death penalty may be imposed only after trials complying with the most rigorous internationally recognized standards for fair trial, in which all evidence obtained under torture or other-ill-treatment is inadmissible.
Yours sincerely
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